*Feed a crowd* Lasagna

This is one of those recipes that is more of a touch and feel than exact measurements… so you have to bear with me on this one *sorry*

As already mentioned… it was a weekend in the Ardennes… and 20,5people in one house (the half = a little minion that I had hoped that I could entice into child labour of washing my car, doing the dishes, etc… but the little tyke was too small and too cute to put into any hard labour… *sigh*)

so what I am about to explain is pretty much based on feeding everyone a small to medium sized portion (as there will salad and breads and a macaroni cheese followed by desserts… not to mention copious bags of crisps AS WELL)….

Fry about 3 containers of pork/beef minced meat in a little oil and 3 crushed garlic cloves until browned… add a bottle and half of passatta (each bottle is about 600-700ml) and a good dash of salt and mixed herbs… and simmer away with a glass of red wine for about 30min (I like to keep it nice and moist… now take your minds out of the gutter… ahum).

In the meantime – start your bechamel sauce, melt butter in another pot and then add about a cup of flour… making a roux and slowly start adding milk (in total about a litre or so… it needs to be a consistency that is thick but still moves… if that makes sense?). Remember to keep stirring or whisking – as it will thicken and you don’t want *lumby sauce*!!

when both of these are ready – you can start layering the lasagna – pasta sheet, mince, white sauce… and again… then finish with pasta sheets and more white sauce… and finally top with cheese (I like to mix cheddar and Gruyère)

These 3 dishes fed 20.5people

These can made a day beforehand and then popped into the oven at 180C for about 30-45min until the cheese is bubbling and golden!

thanks to *sarah has moxie*'s camera - herewith the cooked version

Serve with some garlic bread (if you can handle more garlic)… a green salad….and dig in!

getting ready to feed the masses

4 thoughts on “*Feed a crowd* Lasagna

  1. Hi! I was searching for a nice lasagna recipe and found your blog. Love it! Will try the recipe and let you know 🙂 The restaurant reviews are also great! good memories from my times in Brussels centre, the suburs are not as fun! Maria

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