Easiest Chocolate Ganache (type) Cake EVER

As already mentioned, i am a BIG fan of food magazines… the pictures looks so good (i have been tempted to lick the pages on occasion) and of course i find inspiration for the items that i have in my own food cupboard.

In the OLIVE magazine (April 2010)… the front cover was of this dreamy looking chocolate cake sandwiched with cream and dripping with chocolate ganache sauce… and I couldn’t help it… i licked my lips involuntary…

this is one of those recipes where you don’t need 26 (and half) different size mixing bowls and separate this and whisk that while gently folding in .. blah blah blah… nah, this has all the makings of being a repeat winner!!


175gsm self-raising flour (sifted)

3Tablespoons cocoa powder

175g butter (softened)

175g sugar

1teaspoon baking powder


1-2Tablespoons milk

1. Heat oven to 180C. Grease 2 sandwich cake tins

2. Add all the ingredients  in a large bowl and beat with electric beater until creamy. (add more milk if needed)

3. Divide mixture into 2 tins and bake on the same shelf for 20-25minutes

ICING: (I have to add here that this is NOT a Diet type cake… really now)

100g butter (cubed)

100g dark chocolate

300ml Double Cream

4. Melt butter and chocolate together (do i need to remind you that this should be done in a bowl over a pan of simmering water?? huh?? didn’t think so)… keep stiring….and leave to cool (but only a little bit)

5. Whip the cream and use to sandwich cakes together and then drizzle (ok – pour) the chocolate ganach over the top of the cake. (i might want to add that you should have your cake on a rack and some paper underneath – otherwise you will be cleaning up chocolate sauce for a while….)

right – so the image above was the one that i made for a *mad hatters tea party* that i hosted about a year ago.. .while the image that they post on the www.bbcgoodfood.com website is far more delish looking (but i reckon that mine tasted just as good … if not better!)

courtesy of BBCGOODFOOD website

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